Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A snow day reality check

For a teacher, a snow day is usually a welcome respite from the day to day crammed schedule of the school life. For the A type/list maker-self, I was eagerly gearing up for being able to cross things off my to-do list today. I welcomed the surprise opportunity that this snow day would afford me at home. I had great plans of being able to grade papers, clean the house, fold laundry, finally put away all the tubs of Christmas decorations that are just stacked in the basement, maybe I would even get a chance to read a book or post my first blog! As the day progressed, I was made well- aware that none of these things would be on my agenda. Well, who was I kidding anyway, I am a mom of a 6 year old and 2 year old. My 6 and 2 year old were at each others throats by 9:00 am. My 2 year old daughter was unusually cranky, whiny, demanding just over-all cantankerous. In between requests of “Hold me mommy” and “Can you pick me up?” I tried to grade a few papers, or check facebook. But the two of them couldn’t seem to play and get along five minutes. I tried to change over the laundry while getting in a quick phone conversation with my sister in Arizona only to hear screaming and fighting once again. In one last attempt to make lunch, I hear shouts “I want Macaroni and Cheese! Make Mac and Cheese” While I was still preparing everyone’s lunch, she screams from the other room, “Are you making my biscuits and gravy? Where’s my biscuits and gravy?” I swear she repeated these demands 150 times before I could get anything made and placed in front of her in hopes that it was the “right” food item that she would eat. Needless to say,I was getting a little frustrated and irritated. After lunch, I jumped on Pinterest searching for a wondrous craft or indoor activity for the kids that would magically save the day, when I saw this quote, “
Whoa! Talk about knock me back to reality! You are so right. What was I thinking? Where were my real priorities? Wow I am such an idiot!
So I took a few steps back, picked up my little girl and held her close. We snuggled and played then I decided, “Yes, let’s make that moonsand from Pinterest. Instead of setting it in front of them and hoping it occupied them for awhile and bought me some peace and quiet, I sat down in the middle of the kitchen floor with my sweet babies and played in our homemade moonsand and....... it was FUN!!! We played, laughed and talked for two hours! It was sooo worth it! For dinner we made homemade pizzas and topped off the night with jacuzzi bubble baths for the kids.
There is a possibility of another snow day tomorrow. I am actually looking forward to it but this time with a new outlook. Maybe it will be a day we don't get out of our jammies, sip hot cocoa, peer out the window in awe of the snowfall, pop popcorn and watch movies all day!! It won’t be a day wasted. It will be a day spent making memories. Whatever the day may bring, I say “Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!!”


  1. What a great find and at the perfect moment! Welcome to the slice of life, and enjoy your extra snow day.

  2. What a valuable lesson well described here! I posted my first post the Tuesday before the March challenge last year. I posted every single day in March and many Tuesdays since. I learned so much about myself as a writer and a person. This community is amazing. Take the journey I don't think you will regret it.

  3. I love snow days (shhh. Don't tell my husband) Long ago, when my boys were still at home, it was an unwritten rule about snow days that no work was to be done--aside from shoveling snow. We would play games, bake cookies, watch movies. Anything but school or house work. To this day, I keep that rule. Once in awhile I will catch up on school work, but usually it is my day to do with as I please. Enjoy these times.

  4. OH YES...what wonderful memoreis for you all.....Last year, I too posted my first SOL of the Tuesday before the March challenge...and since then....I have missed only one "challenge." I tell myself iti s how I am saving the "collective memory," and do not put pressure to write but rather pressure to acknowledge and appreciate all that life has to offer...as you did today. I look forward to seeing your NEXT slice!

  5. First, welcome to our writing community!

    Second, I've come to believe that snow days look mighty different when you have kids. I have a two year-old at home and was initially disappointed when the parent/child program we go to together was canceled because of snow a few weeks ago. However, I quickly found other activities for us to do together, which made the day go faster (and was much more pleasant than I had expected). So, yes, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

  6. Ah! Snow days. For those of us blessed to be retired, every day's a snow day!
    What a fabulous bookmark and how wonderful you not only found it, but lived it. Congratulations.

  7. Popcorn, movies and memories. Welcome!

  8. What perfect timing! That lovely quote says it all. Children are young for so long. We as parents can sometimes we get so caught up in all the shoulds we forget to take the time to just be with our kids.
    A lovely post - took me back to my early days with my kids (my baby is now 24 - and boy do I miss those days now!)

  9. The best advice I ever got on snow days was from a new teacher (passing it on from her mentor teacher). Snow days are a gift. Since we have to make them up, don't use them to catch up on school work (Yes, I am still guilty of playing catch-up sometimes). Use them to play or explore or rest or refill your soul. We've not had many snow days this year or last year, and I miss those gifts of time. I hope you get to enjoy your kids today, too.

  10. My own kids were at each other's throats on our snow days on Tuesday and Wednesday. In a house of one teen and two preteens, a little together time goes a long way. I love your quote and did try to do things with the kids that I don't normally have time for...like baking with my son (who will probably be the next Buddy from Cake Boss) and reading with my youngest daughter. I know that I will miss these days soon!
